- The Law Society of Ontario
- American Bar Association
- New York State Bar Association
Our office specializes in helping corporations, small businesses and individuals with all their legal needs and help you in all your personal and business endeavors. In order to provide easy access to Korean and other immigrant communities of Greater Toronto Area, our office is conveniently located at "World on Yonge" business complex in Thornhill, ON.
Copyright © CM Shin Law Professional Corporation. All rights reserved.
- CJ Corporation, Foreign Legal Counsel
- Samsung C&T Corporation, Foreign Legal Counsel
Bar Admission
- The Province of Ontario
- The State of New York
- Bachelor of Science, Pennsylvania State University
College of Business, 2003
- Juris Doctor, Indiana University
School of Law, 2010
7191 Yonge Street Unit 905
Thornhill, ON L3T0C4 Canada (World on Yonge)
Office: +1.905-597-3529 Fax: +1.905-597-7529
신창민 변호사는 로스쿨 재학시절 Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP 몬트리얼 사무소의 여름 프로그램에 참여하였고, 몬트리얼에 위치한 국제민간항공기구 (ICAO) 한국 대표부에서 여름 인턴을 하였다. 2010년 로스쿨을 졸업한 신 변호사는 뉴욕소재 이민 법률사무소에서 1년동안 주니어 변호사 생활을 한 후 삼성물산 상사부문 법무팀 해외변호사로써 회사법 변호사 커리어를 시작했다.
삼성물산에서는 신재생 에너지 사업부문에 법률 자문을 하였고, 현재 캐나다 온타리오주에서 진행되고 있는 풍력/태양력 발전소 사업의 1차 phase에도 참여하였다.
좀 더 다양한 국제 비지니스 경험을 얻기 위해 신 변호사는 2013년 CJ 그룹 법무실 해외변호사로 자리를 옮겼다. 그룹을 총괄하는 법무실에서는 CJ 그룹의 계열사들이 하는 해외 합작 사업 (Joint Venture) 및 인수합병 (M&A) 프로젝트에 법률 자문을 함으로써 다양한 경험을 쌓았다.
두 대기업에서 변호사 생활을 하는 동안 신 변호사가 얻는 가장 값진 경험중 하나는 세계 유수의 로펌들과 프로젝트를 진행하면서 그들이 가진 양질의 법률서비스를 경험하고 배울 수있었던 점이다.
신 변호사는 대기업에서의 법무 및 행정 경험을 바탕으로 고객들에게 양질의 법률 서비스를 제공하기 위해 최선을 다 할 것이고, 고객 중심의 서비스를 제공함으로써 언제든지 편하게 찾을 수 있는 든든한 친구같은 변호사가 되고자 한다.
While at law school, Mr. Chang Min Shin, Barrister and Solicitor participated in a summer program at Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP Montreal as a Summer Visiting Student, and also gained experience at a summer internship offered by the Korea Representative Office of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal. After his graduation from the law school, he had worked in an immigration law firm in New York City as a junior associate until finally commencing his career as a corporate lawyer at the Legal Department of Samsung C&T Corporation ("Samsung") in Seoul, South Korea.
At Samsung, Mr. Shin provided legal advice to the Renewable Energy Department within the company. As a part of his duty, he had substantially involved in and contributed to the 1st phase of Samsung's Multibillion-Dollar Renewable Energy Project that is currently in progress in Ontario.
Seeking for more diverse international experience, Mr. Shin has moved to the Legal Department of CJ Corporation (Headquarter of CJ Group) ("CJ") in 2013. At CJ, he had opportunity to engage in various international projects (joint venture, M&A, etc) delivered by CJ affiliates such as CJ CheilJedang, CJ CGV, and CJ Foodville.
The most meritorious experience he gained as a foreign legal counsel of the two international conglomerates was to have chances to learn top-tier international law firms' excellent services by co-working with them throughout various multimillion-dollar projects.
Based on his previous legal and administrative experience, Mr. Shin will endeavor to provide the client-oriented quality services and to become friendly, trustworthy, and reliable lawyer who can be easily available at client's convenience.